Hey, Hope all you guys got a chance to attend the making of -Chronicles of narnia last week.For all who dind't well, i'll see if i can scrap some notes out and put it up here.It was really gr8! As you all know the lead creature artist Will Telford - Creature Supervisor and Hans Rijpkema - Character Technology Lead were there and defenetly gave some intresting info on the making of Aslan.The beast is sooo well done! The muscle dynamics of the lion - both primary and secondry motion of the animal's movement were well animated, partly mo-caped and partly hand animated.For those of you who are intrested in numbers, 98 points of motion on the face alone, and another 200 on the body, 40 different sets of hair on the animal that had to be animated like clumed up hair, hair being affected by wind etc etc. all the good stuff u know.
I did have a chance to speak to both of these amazing people after the presentation was over.It was great overall.Will telford is doing his masters in visual developmental science.Intresting yeah! and as for Hans Rijpkema , wht can i say, the amount of knowledge about dynamics that he has truely left me in awe of him!
Of the stuff that was shown here is a summery of it.
Creation of Aslan: modeling, body and facial rigging, animation, lighting, fur grooming and dynamics - Creation of Mythological Characters: gryphon, centaurs - Battlefield Crowds: rigging and skinning, motion and geometry generation, rendering, dynamics.
A job well done by R and H!
Hope this was of help to u guys.
Have a good week guys!!